Special Educational Needs Coordinator
SENDCO: Mrs Maxine Siddall
I have been the SENDCO at Creswell Junior School for 15 years and part of my role as SENDCO includes meeting with pupils, their parents and with staff to help provide the best education and most suitable provision for each child. This also involves liaising with a range of outside support agencies, including Educational Psychology, SSSEN Services, Autism Outreach, Speech and Language services, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy to name a few.
I am happy to talk with you about any concerns you may have about your child's learning, progress or any SEN needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact me by either phone on 01909 721260, by email at info@creswell-derbyshire.sch.uk or by sending me an epraise message.
Mrs Siddall - Special Educational Needs Coordinator