Creswell Junior School

Creswell Junior School

Elmton Road, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 4JD


Year 3 remote learning




Please find links below to units of work that you can access if you are required to isolate from school.

When you click on a link, you will be taken to a unit of work where there will be many lessons based around an area of learning.



 From your first day of your isolation, you need to select the first lesson from the unit, complete the learning and email all of your work to your year group email for your teacher to look at and provide you with feed back. The next day of your isolation you will then select and complete the next lesson in the unit.


If you have any questions, please email your teachers.


Please click on the subject links to access the units of work 

                  Times Table Rock Stars!Science Colleges Logo Vector

                              GROUP 1                                GROUP 2 



                                                Geography Logo - LogoDix

                                                 GROUP 1                                GROUP 2 






All homework will now be set online using Purple Mash. Your child should have brought their username and password home with them this week. All children have logged on and have been shown how to access and submit their homework. Any homework specific questions, please message your child’s class teacher on Epriase or send an email to their class email address.

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